Wednesday, September 2, 2009

littlewoods loss of time

Sooo... i just realised that this blog was actually to be completed last week which i for some reason i thought was this week, as in somehow i've lost a week... a week which basically menas i'm a week behind everything...realising that its actually week 6 not week 5... so all those almost completed weekly tasks that i intended on finishing and publishing this week are actually for last week... fun fun fun... and whats worse is i dont even have some elaborate and fantastic story as to how i lost a week like spending a week on a drinking binge in south america, sipping cocktails on a beach...not even being kidnapped and waking up to find both kidneys and a half a lung missing by getting in a fake taxi in columbia or being in a coma for a week from an unfortunate ska-bonking accident...i've got nothing... nothin but being aparently unorganised... so now i will be pulling one of those long energy drink binges where i finish up and publish everything that was supposed to be done in my lost week......

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