Wednesday, September 2, 2009

littlewoods loss of time

Sooo... i just realised that this blog was actually to be completed last week which i for some reason i thought was this week, as in somehow i've lost a week... a week which basically menas i'm a week behind everything...realising that its actually week 6 not week 5... so all those almost completed weekly tasks that i intended on finishing and publishing this week are actually for last week... fun fun fun... and whats worse is i dont even have some elaborate and fantastic story as to how i lost a week like spending a week on a drinking binge in south america, sipping cocktails on a beach...not even being kidnapped and waking up to find both kidneys and a half a lung missing by getting in a fake taxi in columbia or being in a coma for a week from an unfortunate ska-bonking accident...i've got nothing... nothin but being aparently unorganised... so now i will be pulling one of those long energy drink binges where i finish up and publish everything that was supposed to be done in my lost week......

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

week 6 task

Sports - Management - Genealogy - Education - News

These are the areas that my name found in the persona search.

My South American Adventure...

Departure 4th Feb 2010

adventure begins with an extended flight stopping in New Zealand followed 22 hour stop over in buenos ares then escaping to Rio, then adventuring to Salvador for Carnival

from salvador we go back through rio to argentina back to Buenos Ares

this is Machu Pichu and it will take us 6 days to hike with lamas to get there...
this will be another thing to tick off my bucket list..


this is the overview of our destinations... but the exact rout is not going to be exact... kinda just going to wing it and hope we dont get lost in the south american culture forever...
and considering its a colorful tropical country that enjoys a good time all the time... i'm probably going to intentionally get lost and never come back

When My Baby Smiles At Me I Go To RIO... DE JANEIRO