how is the best way to get in contact with lilly allen?
How long is a giraffes tongue ?
How would you define the word 'glycomics'? In your own words, what does it really mean ? What does the term 'seagull manager' refer to?
glycomics is the study of sugar carbohyrates in the body, looking at vaccines and drugs for the body or something along those lines i'm not realy that clued on when it comes to science and a seagull manager is what i'd describe my C.E.O Bruce at work, its a person that flys in flutters around for no reason, craps on everyone and leaves. so generally someone that nobody is happy to see.
When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?
The original Hacker's Manifesto was written on January 8, 1986 by "The Mentor".
What was David Cronenberg's first feature film? Which of his films Had 'Blondie' in it?
its was called Sterio... but aparently he made short films but i dont think they really count s a 'feature film'
Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?
because of the fact that it was an unused group of numbers throughout the world and was a safe number to use with out the fear of that number being called and harassing an innocent person by using their number on a film
What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Sydney?

What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?
Shaking all over by Normie Rowe and the Playboys
Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?
The Black Assasins... a Punkish bank.