Tuesday, August 18, 2009


this weeks task is indeedy a scavenger hunt but were not aloud to use google or wiki and as everything is powered or run through google these days this is going to be a tad hard, we never realise just how much we use something untill we no longer can

The worlds largest pumpkin ?
Joe Jutras from North Scituate, Rhode Island, brought a 1689 pound pumpkin to the Topsfield Fair GPC weigh-off in Topsfield, Ma. on September 29, 2007. His new world record beat the previous world record by 187 pounds. Last year's world record holder was Ron Wallace with a 1502 pound pumpkin at the Rhode Island Weighoff on October 7, 2006.
this isnt the same pumpkin... but look at the damage a pumpkin can do at that size...

now i have to ask... why on earth would you do such a thing.... just imainge all the kids in 3rd world countries that could have had a bus bounds of pumpkin soup...

how is the best way to get in contact with lilly allen?
Twitter... that girl is forever on twitter

How long is a giraffes tongue ?

A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long and blue-black. Some people think
the color is to keep the tongue from getting sunburned. Giraffes can moo, hiss, roar, and whistle.

How would you define the word 'glycomics'? In your own words, what does it really mean ? What does the term 'seagull manager' refer to?

glycomics is the study of sugar carbohyrates in the body, looking at vaccines and drugs for the body or something along those lines i'm not realy that clued on when it comes to science and a seagull manager is what i'd describe my C.E.O Bruce at work, its a person that flys in flutters around for no reason, craps on everyone and leaves. so generally someone that nobody is happy to see.

When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?

The original Hacker's Manifesto was written on January 8, 1986 by "The Mentor".

What was David Cronenberg's first feature film? Which of his films Had 'Blondie' in it?

its was called Sterio... but aparently he made short films but i dont think they really count s a 'feature film'

Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?

because of the fact that it was an unused group of numbers throughout the world and was a safe number to use with out the fear of that number being called and harassing an innocent person by using their number on a film

What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Sydney?

depends on when or how or who many your travelling with... flights at different times are anywhere from $49 which for a solo trip, it would probably be the fastest and cheapest.

What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?

Shaking all over by Normie Rowe and the Playboys

Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?

The Black Assasins... a Punkish bank.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Language of screen


ECU An Extreme Close up is exactly what it sounds like it is an extreme close up where only a part of the subject is focused on extremely close, or it is where an object is extremely small.

WS A Wide shot shot is basically a scene that includes all of the subject in the frame, if we were using a person for example it would include the persons whole body in the frame, or for example it is a scene where as much of the setting is included in the shot.

MS A Mid Shot is where the subject is focused on but not too close up, this shot is typically used in scenes where people are talking or expressing emotion, this mid shot gives a feeling to the viewer that they are actually there in the scene.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Convergence of technologies

Convergence of technologies

Today, we are surrounded by a multi-level convergent media world where all modes of communication and information are continually reforming to adapt to the enduring demands of technologies, “changing the way we create, consume, learn and interact with each other”(Jenkins, Henry (2006) Convergence Culture, New York University Press, New York.)

The world as we know it is continually changing merging and being redesigned to help in making our lives easier, For instance simply taking a camera and a phone and putting them both together in the one little machine so that it is more convenient for the everyone to use. there are a number of these technologies that have been merged together that we as a society take for granted and dont actually realised whats gone into creating them and where these ideas and technologies have been taken from

The i phone is a prime example of taking a bunch of technologies and cramming it into one little machine and creating something that does a vast amount of things and redefines the way we communicate. Some of the general features of this machine range from the basic features of a phone, like calling and creating text messages, to accessing the internet, mp3 and video players, satelite navigation and a vast array of applications. As advanced as this phone sounds it is a small part of the amazing things that are happening in the world of technology at the moment.

the i phone is one of those things where they've basically put all the little things that you would have in your laptop, on your phone, in your personal gaming consol, and the list goes on... and on and on it is a prime example of converging technnology especially communications. its was created by putting all the idea a buinsess man, a child, a mother and a rather intelligent parrot would ever need in a little box with a touch screen.

there are some amazing things happening in the world of technology at the moment and all you need to do is google or youtube new technology and you'll be lost for hours amazed by some of the new things people have created from putting two or more old ideas together

this next idea is a solar powered car, and it doesnt look like a space ship like the ones you see in those science contests

Think of the amazing effects this would have on our eviroment if we stopped using feul and started using solar.

cars are a great example of how they have taken other technology and recreated it to make driving safer Mercedes and BMW for instance have incorporated many different technologies in their new designs that have helped both the safety of thier drivers passengers and even pedestrians or other cars with such features as blind spot assist where the car detects when there is a car in a blindspot of drivers, or if you vere out of your lane the car lets you know, even adjusting headlights to make it better for approaching cars on the opposite sides of the road.

this next new technology is RAD... its a virtual bluetooth keyboard... you cant really explain it just watch the footage